I left my corporate job on 7/21/17 in order to help showcase Nature for Mother Nature fans online. I did not arrive easily at this decision since my corporate job paid extremely well and included amazing benefits. Alas, the one benefit I was not easily allowed was the time to immediately pursue any and all wild events happening any and all moments of every day throughout the world. I know it would have helped me greatly to see more Nature during the work week, so that is what I’ve set out to bring to you. Stay tuned!
Bequeathed Bigotry
Saturday, April 27, 2024 11:42 AM
As a car alarm goes off down the street, I think deeply about the video I am about to create and upload. I think of the persons who have set fire to themselves and sat motionless in an accepting state, knowing the inevitible. Sort of like thinking about the “spelling” of inevitable. Is it with an i, or with an a? For today let’s say there IS an “I” in “A” in terms of the video.
“JUST NOW” at 11:47 am my webpage software app (I was going to type editor and then backspace began to delete entire portions of this post even) came up to suggest I can use an update… As I try to hold my train of thought… “WHY” is there an “I” an “A” (and JUST NOW at 11:48 the spacebar caused a video to launch!!!) Rey? Well, thank you for listening!
There is an “I” in “A” because in my video I talk a little about some bigotry that I FEEL I experienced earlier today from a nice enough gentleman who is *ALSO* concerned with the weather anomalies we as an existence are starting to recognize a bit more… Like when 27 tornadoes spawn in one night, or even during the wintertime in general… A sign for sure!
Is there *anyone* out there who is seeing the signs and who understands that we are virtually doomed except in the format of having faith because testing for the Spirit of Truth is as simple as even adding the mere *flavor* of rejoice causes so… many… signs… like… the… car… alarm… or… Now I hear the birds outside! Have we “weathered” the storm then?
It is now 11:51. I feel like you might interpret me as “manic” like has been said of other people who would put themselves through much more in the name of testing for the Spirit of Truth. Me? I wish some other deep thinker could have talked with the persons who set themselves on fire… Just to give them that one more chance to accept hope without violence.
It is now 11:53 am. I “am” only typing these words this way because *someone* is able to understand me. I am not sure who it is, or how many it is (legions?) but I am sure that WE can team up and reduce the suffering if we can recognize that these things will all be hitting closer and closer to home until one form of thinking is… At least reviewed for competency.
It is 12:57 and I came back here to say “the video is compiling” but I accidentally typed 12:47, hit backspace and then the cursor immediately went to “competency” to backspace over that rather than the space and two numbers immediately preceding the cursor. It is now 12:59 and I recall that I wanted to say that I crawled on my hands and feet just now!
I just now remembered to stop my timer that has been going on my workout watch for 5 minutes and 55 seconds, I’ve caught my breath again finally but just a bit ago I was quite out of breath! All I had done was something so easy that a toddler or baby could do it and multiple times at that! I went around my home’s interior plan on hands and feet as a workout.
Many of our aging population never even had a clue that we could reverse our health ailments by “exercising” our bodies (our demons?) but many more currently *know* that working out seems to work out for the owner of a body for many reasons. For me? I love walking in nature AND I am seeing a change… The “trending” of our weather. A sign for sure!
So while the video compiles I do laps around the house. While the video uploads I compose and keep moving my pieces as I feel I’m supposed to… Because it is a method of communicating… Both with you AND with our ancestry. We all might take a moment to recognize “weather” or not we want to that there is one BIG thing we OUGHT to consider.
While I continue to attempt to properly and resolutely communicate with my own father I can assure you that you are not even as unpleasant as my father has presented to me in the past. For this reason (and because I love my father) I can say for a fact that I love you unconditionally and wish for your well being and PEACE to all! We will get what we deserve!
It is 2:57 pm and on page 32 of The Ghost Squad and the Prowling Hermits the clock outside the bank reads 12:47. If you look above, I typed that number earlier. I am reading while the video linked below is uploading. The upload percentage is 81%. It has been a productive Saturday in my efforts to communicate and the synchronicity has been a sign for sure!