The Jeep Journals

I left my corporate job on 7/21/17 in order to help showcase Nature for Mother Nature fans online. I did not arrive easily at this decision since my corporate job paid extremely well and included amazing benefits. Alas, the one benefit I was not easily allowed was the time to immediately pursue any and all wild events happening any and all moments of every day throughout the world. I know it would have helped me greatly to see more Nature during the work week, so that is what I’ve set out to bring to you. Stay tuned!

Too Weak Notice

Thursday, September 15, 2022 10:17 AM

There is not as much left to say as there is left to do at this point. I’ve heard it said that one must shake their money maker in order to make money, and so I thought I’d shake things up a bit by bringing myself up to standard. Today I weighed in at 116.9 kilos, or 257.7 pounds.

Not more than about three or four years ago I had “reset” my metabolism to the point where I was slim, trim and efficient. My body did not ache, my capabilities did not seem to fail me and I *felt* healthy. Lately I have felt more and more eroded, especially in social situations.

Though I prepped just a little to get my whiteboards ready to document my progress, I did little else until today itself to begin my physical transformation which I hope will greatly improve the odds I have of reflecting my emotional and spiritual transformation journey.

I’m starting out with 5 key exercicses that any of us might want to consider incorporating in order to reverse and/or at least postpone some of the aging process that we have come to generally accept as we wear away our couch surfaces as readily as our own bodies.

The five recommended exercises I am taking on are: 1) Squats 2) Lunges 3) Brisk Walk 4) Weights 5) Push Ups where my numbers are as follows - Squats (5) Lunges (2 poor form/balance limited) Brisk Walk (Unlimited) Weights (15lbs) Push Ups (10)

If any of you are visiting from my YouTube channel, welcome! Thank you so much for “crossing over” to see beyond the video now and again! If you have no clue that I’ve got a YouTube page which in many ways documents the same journey, enjoy the below link!

Too Weak Notice!!!